Cred că a trecut mai bine de un an de la ultima insomnie datorată excesului de cofeină... după cafeaua de la 11 seara, Apocalypto lui Mel Gibson şi presiunea unor zile destul de solicitante ce se anunţă, m-am trezit la ora 3 in the morning cu degetele levitând deasupra tastaturii şi cu ”pistolul la tâmplă” în speranţa că poate sub ameninţare voi avea idei... it seems I was wrong.
”I keep on fear, keep on loathing
Nothing brings it on I keep on falling
Decide what it is I can not find
It's subsides what you make it
Never feel like you're gonna break it
It's gonna be alright alright
Sleep until the morning comes
The sun will warm your soul
Sleep until the morning comes for you
Til the morning it's alright”
[ thievery corporation | until the morning ]
obligatoriu a se asculta varianta trecută şi prin mâinile lui Kid Loco
”I keep on fear, keep on loathing
Nothing brings it on I keep on falling
Decide what it is I can not find
It's subsides what you make it
Never feel like you're gonna break it
It's gonna be alright alright
Sleep until the morning comes
The sun will warm your soul
Sleep until the morning comes for you
Til the morning it's alright”
[ thievery corporation | until the morning ]
obligatoriu a se asculta varianta trecută şi prin mâinile lui Kid Loco

Kid Loco e unu singur băă
edited. they'd have never known. ţ-o trebuit ţie să chiţibuşeşti.
nu mă dezmint.
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